You know what, Brenda. You will normally find me on the skeptic side of the spectrum and, normally I would even deny I ever wrote this response.
But last year in the middle of the pandemic, bicycle sales when through the roof and it was impossible to find good quality bikes. Everyone was talking about 6 months delays and stuff like that.
The thing is I go with my wife to the shop because I need a new light for my commuter bike, and chatting with the staff they tell me if I want a bicycle, I better be ready to wait for it. So I get my name on the waiting list. That afternoon they call me and tell me they got a shipment and the other people on the list changed their minds! So I got my new bike.
Visualization or coincidence?
I don’t know!
Obviously there had been times when things didn’t work that well no matter how much I wanted something.
But sometimes, the Universe gets on your side!