Yes, I also appreciate the dialogue.
What I found troubling is the fact you seem to continue to defend his actions.
Please remember that Hitler was elected by a lawful election. And the persecution of the Jews in 1940s Germany was legal under their law.
The fact something is lawful doesn’t make it right.
The fact this kid went out with a rifle does not make him brave. Actually it makes him a coward.
I wish more gun owners would come to this realization, because I feel there’s this sense of bravado among people carrying guns.
(I’m not talking about law enforcement, they are doing their jobs, and their gun in that case is a tool to the job, the same as a stethoscope is a tool for mine. We could go and talk how at Tokio Haneda I could not find a cop with a gun when I arrived, but maybe I was sleep deprived, and that’s a different thing. You are a cop, you get a gun, I have no problem with that, they are train professionals)
To close,
“Violence is the last resource of the incompetent”— Isaac Asimov.
Let’s aim for a society with less violent acts. Including denouncing the sheer stupidity of a society where violence is so readily available.
Thank you for engaging in conversation with me as well.