Wow, Amy! Those words of yours!
(Lately, I find myself saving more responses than stories!!!)
(And I don't know if this happens to you or not, but I usually don't see myself as a "real writer" so I often read words and I ask myself who is the one who wrote such words?)
(And I have these weird theory, that we writers and poets go to a well. An infinite well if you may say, and we drink from that well, and then we pour into the page- whatever format it may be- and that I think is the reason why sometimes I write your stuff and I wonder was that Whitman? I think that it is because we go and drink from the same waters, therefore the words are similar. And these are not to try to imply that I or you are stealing, plagiarising. This is different, we found the fountain - one of the fountains you may say- that gives us life, and why would we stop going to that spring from which such waters pours?)
To love ourselves it is not always easy, I think that this is the reason why we must love one another, this way, one day we all will realize that we are different but one, and if I can love you, then I can love myself.
Love ourselves without expecting anything from ourselves.
Thank you, Amy!
Look what your words did to me!!!!!
Big hugs,