When I got married I realized I had to somehow be ready to support a family whenever that would happen, so I got the community college catalogue and I picked the professions that would pay the most.
For some reason I didn’t want to lean towards trades like electrician or plumbing. I suspect those guys make more money than me. But I felt there was going to be too much testosterone in the guild.
Instead I went for nursing.
But as much as like women, I would not come here and tell you they are saints. Especially in nursing, it seems many are trying to prove they are as good as doctors but don’t want to go to med school.
But anyway, so the trades were off the table and I was considering something like computer science (but I was intimidated. Now I think about it, would have been the best course of action. I suspect that programming may be kind of like learning a language, which I have some experience with. But also would have forced me to be strapped to a chair which would have caused lots of back pain!
Then I considered teaching. But then I thought about children making fun of my accent, me flipping, and me ending in the news. So that was off the table. Then, years later, I volunteered in kindergarten for my kids school and I gave thanks every day for making the decision I made and not going for teaching (I loved the kids, but you get one disruptive kid- for whatever reason- and there goes your year).
So it was nursing.
Even though I have been in the same unit for 10 years now, one of the appeals was mobility. Change units, the kind of work I can do.
Now I’m considering going and getting an undergraduate in economics that was what I was pursuing in Argentina, but I don’t want to go too crazy. Degrees are important for me, but I also am realizing life goes by fast and I need to be mindful of my choices.
Well, Ana!
That was a long response!
Talk to you later,