Well, Matt, as I was pulling weeds from my beautiful driveway I was imagining a society in which every driveway would look nice and pristine with no weeds.
As I was daydreaming on a MTB trip through Canada I was worry about a grizzly having me for breakfast. How does it dare! I'm a mountain biker and have the right to ride in the backcountry undisturbed!
As I was eating tasteless food I was happy it was sterile. I live in New Mexico. The grapes I eat are from Chile and may fly better than a human in first class. I don't know. The last time I checked it takes about 14 hours with good connections and uber drivers or cabs to go between Albuquerque and Santiago, yet I fly economy and I make it sweaty. Have the grapes been irradiated before flying because they look amazing?
I have a doughnut my boss gave me two years ago in my locker. The ones we give to patients. I am a hungry boy. I decided to see how long it takes to grow mold. Two years later, there's none in sight. In the Hospital's defense, maybe it is the wrapping. I guess, who knows.
I don't know if the virus will make us stronger. I know the virus kills some and some not. I've been exposed 4 times, no positive yet. But the Hospital does not test me because then I can't go to work. Am I a super spreader? If I was not anymore. No more exposure came my way.
My point is that maybe we are overextending on nature and we pretend for nature to stay back because we want to do whatever we want. Have our driveways without weeds (or bees). Ride our mountain bikes in pristine places where bears eat. Eat the fruits we like year-long around the clock.
Thank you for writing.