Well, dear Gurpreet. You should have written this piece 20 years ago, give or take. That you were in middle school???
I know you would have made a fine point!
As you can probably guess from my picture, being black never really helped me. I was born and raised in Argentina from Uruguayan parents. So my point is I was always the only black person in school, in the city, once I told my classmates I was from an African country I made up and they believed me!!!
Every time I took a cab to downtown the drivers wanted to scam me because they thought I was from Brazil.
When Argentina lost the quarter finals in some World Cup to some African country I feared for my life.
And not, the US is not home after 20 years or so.
If you ask me. My home is at the airports or in the mountains. At least I still have my mountains.
And yes, the bank still owns my second house and both my cars.