This was awesome!!!!
I love this. (The place were I found refuge and myself).
I don’t know how it is in Australia, but many moons ago, so long that if I tell you I will sound ancient, before your son came into this world, when I was in my senior year in High School, I had to write a paper. To do so I went to the Congress Library in Buenos Aires which was open 24 hours. I usually stayed up there until late, and at 3:00 am the staff would make tea for the patrons which at the time would include a number of homeless people who would get closer to get some tea and read a book.
It reminds one of my fondest memories. There, among the brakes I took doing my research I found Plato and a beautiful quote I never forget (I have a horrible memory most days). I also found Martian Chronicles from Ray Bradbury and inside a poem from Lord Byron talking about the heart needing to rest and being worn out as the sheath of a sword, written in Spanish but with the fine print in English and that day, at that moment, I realized it was impossible to read poetry in a different language than the one in which the author intended. That day I decided to learn English.
Congratulate your son on his poem and thank him for taking down memory lane.
Thank you both,