“This is your captain speaking, brace for impact”
Wrong movie, I know. But it applies.
Sorry folks. Too little too late.
The good news is at the end of Sully everyone survives!
Take care, and thank you for flying…
(I know, it is a serious topic, but please no one told me they didn’t know about all this in 1999. And none of us old enough did anything about this. None of us stopped bragging about our trips, houses and cars. None of us is concerned about this stupid game of follow the leader. Sure, I’ll go and buy recycled Patagonia clothes. Wake me up when you wake up from this slumber in which we live, in which we make everyone else in the world desire our lifestyle, diabetes included. Give me real change or a half decent idea for once. Sorry this angered me. But these ideas are from 1995)
If you made it this far, thank you.
The good news is that most likely it is not that we all will die. What is dying is our way of life.
Pablo Pereyra. —