This is so frustrating. I used to have the little avatars with the people I followed on the top of my home page, and now I get random notifications based on I don’t know what, so if you wrote a story I have to look you up every single time. And when I wrote your name (without misspelling it) the first name that Medium gives me is some Alan Lew. Really? I wrote Alan Asnen!
Yeah, sorry, I guess my and Martin are probably your only groupies who are actually typing your name. I know, it must be your eyes!
I know, I’m being passive aggressive, I’m sorry, forgive me. I’ve been trying to think why I check on your writing every day. Don’t know. Don’t worry, for the most part I’m harmless and in any case Medium is seriously annoying me, so I may let Tim Demming have all the glory, go and read real books, go and write on a notebook, and well, that’s it as far as writing goes.
Yeah, let’s all thank Medium for annoying their paying customers!
(And this is not even about me not being seen, I want to see the writers I want to read!)
Sorry again, I’m very frustrated and I shouldn’t be venting with you. Please forgive me, Alan, I don’t want to start with you are one of my only friends and yada yada yada.