Thank you, Martin!
Only second language.
I only speak French if I know for sure no one else in the room does, and my German is from Duolingo so I can say things like “ein Mann, eine Frau“ or “ich bin ein Junge.” I should do Duolingo again!
On a more serious note, that was a fragment of the play I was telling you about some time ago. I’m still working on it. I think I got all the poems worked out but I want to give it a little more structure. Like I told you I read the play you mentioned from Yeats, and I got a copy of Electra and I got murder in the Cathedral. These last two I read them in the past but I wanted to read them again to get a better sense of structure. Also, I noticed that a lot of these dramas include some murder in there. I wasn’t sure if to throw one in there for the heck of it, or a symbolic one. Anyway, thinking out loud now.
I should be able to get a better flow of writing soon. I’m still pushing a few good hours at my day job, but I’m trying to get a better balance/flow.
Hopefully I’ll get some tangible movement soon.
Thank you, Martin, and as always for listening.