Thank you, LB.
What can one say… I love Medium and the community I found in it with its permanence and ephemerality, where everything is now and never…
Forgive me for going in this long tangent. The problem of solitude is that sometimes you feel alone and I can be clingy… Do you remember hero starr? Here I go again in another tangent!
I love to write, but I know well enough that I can turn the things I love into addictions. I never been into chemical stuff, but I suspect that last year when I drop off the program I used running as my excuse and my escape. I did not want to taint something beautiful (writing). Enough things I have tainted.
I have a couple of pieces here and there that need a little of editing. Maybe that is what I need to learn now: to let go of the desire to be or make things perfect and just do.
I am still here. Probably even if not as continually here, probably more present. I get to read more without the pressure of producing so to stay relevant… it is not as nice to feel that I am not as much in the middle of things, but one of the beautiful and scary things of writing is this sense that all this truly happens in a time and place different than the one we think about. Probably one with a different permanence.
Thank you for keeping up with my rant, LB. I truly appreciate it.