Thank you, Kerstin. I will. I have some notes for a book here, hopefully I can star revising them soon.
On a different subject, I was looking with some seriousness to the idea of going to NZ. Note I said “some.”
You know how in the US we don’t have a whole lot of vacation, so I’m not counting on a huge amount of time. I wanted to do the Ferry crossing into Picton (which arriving into Auckland it would take 2 good days of travel by conventional transport (train to Wellington, then ferry).
My wish was to make it to Queensland but that is a good 800km from Picton, which even if I ride an average of 120 km a day would consume a good week. Plus I was interested in dirt roads.
Bottom line, would you try to push into Queenstown at the expense of long days in the bicycle and probably accumulating fatigue or would you settle in a shorter trip (in Km) where you get to rest more and it is not all about pushing kilometers (I need to end in a town with an airport and a bike store to pack the bike)?
All this may be more of my daydreaming than reality, but maybe I’ll make it happen.
Thank you, Kerstin!!!