Thank you, Frank!
I appreciate your words!
Yes, I do like the MacBook Air. I think it is important to go with a fair amount of memory and power in the processor even if you are only writing. I have a desktop Mac that is not as powerful as the MacBook and it is painstakingly slow. Maybe because I have a good 20 screens open with drafts and stories I need to hopefully one day read. But in general, I’m not satisfied with the desktop Mac, but I think it is because we got the cheapest (less powerful) model when we got it. The other thing to keep in mind is that I’m immersed in an Apple environment, I mean, I have an iPhone, the Mac, the MacBook, and so forth. So for me to get out of this environment would be a small pain in the butt. But all things considered, I’m happy with them.
I hope this helps!