Thank you, Alan for sharing this with me and with us and I apologize for my egocentrism thinking it’s all about me when you started the letter mentioning Peter.
What can a person say when another person shares their life with them?
“This is so beautiful”?
“Thank you for tagging me?”
None of that makes any justice to life.
And I felt transported to your life, Alan.
And how everything is so significant and then there it goes and it’s not and it all gets covered by a Starbucks and then some sand.
But then, it is still so significant!
Sorry about the earlier comment about Peter. As you can tell, I started to read earlier, and then had to drive the kids around, and I just came back home and I finished it.
All I can tell is thank you.
And I love you too, Alan.
I hope I can make you justice one day.