Sorry, I got distracted by the comments section.
I am clearly not a woman, and I don’t know how women think, and I don’t know how women would feel about this, but I think you echo quite well that feeling sometimes women-and let’s face it, some men- voice of not feeling heard, feeling abandoned, having to spend all your time during the day to clear the air of an environment that feels as if it chokes and chokes more and more every minute even if we do all we can to clean it up. And there’s nowhere to go. And the thought of no longer worrying for our physical appearance comes as a blessing we know we are going to pay for at a high price later. Or maybe I’m talking for myself. I feel I should pay you for listening, you know, as a therapist.
Oh my gosh, Martin!
I swear I started writing this kind of as a half joke (although I do believe the elements are there and are real. Not the elements of a joke, the ones of struggling to survive and feel important. Not metaphorical.
Thank you for writing this serie. The only thing I hope is that when you said he is the only man in mars, you meant that as the only person, because I think I liked her hair dusty Martian red.