So much to unpack.
I often feel at times in marriage people don’t talk to each other even when talking. As if two persons would be talking in different languages. Sometimes, if they are lucky they may be talking on closely related languages, let’s say Spanish and Portuguese. But even if you do that and you manage to do that, that sort of communication requires the good will and desire to communicate of the other and it is definitely not fool proof.
But often it is as if someone speaks English and the other Japanese. Without a skilled interpreter, only the very basic, if we are lucky can be communicated. Often if someone who knows both languages is available, it is a translator and not an interpreter and in the accuracy of the translation the nuances of meaning are lost.
And we keep on stumbling our heads against the wall on the dark room we walk in. Looking for a light switch someone stole. Wondering, how in the first place we walked inside that room?
Thank you for writing.
Pablo (yes, cycling feels much better than driving)