So much in here, Lisa.
I love the connection to the soil, the Earth.
I been thinking about that for a while. I think I was on a bike ride when I noticed, we all come from this Earth (unless a meteorite or something hit the planet with organic material and it spread in an otherwise previously barren land).
So we are its fruits. I like to think of us as spores. Moving around and germinating other spots. With ideas, imagination. I wonder if the Earth dreamt us first. And all her other products. I wonder if she imagined herself dress in green and blue and emerald and brown. I wonder if she feels our footsteps when we walk. I wonder if she would like to have all this concrete removed so she can breathe better.
I wonder if she talks to other planets, if the canopy of trees are dendrites. Things I wonder during winter.
But it is still cold in here, so I’m going to stay under my blanket of leaves and soil just a little longer, while the earth gets warm.
Thank you for sharing your words with us.