Oh, DL!!!!
I want to believe!
I really want to believe!!!
Today at work one of my patients didn’t made it to the bathroom and pooped on the floor. As I was cleaning up, a tube from a drain fell on the poop and It splashed poop on my face. Thankfully I had my N95 on my!!!
At the end of the day, half jokingly as I was giving report to the incoming nurse I said, “if there’s a God I want to punch it in the face, because it would have been nothing for it to make me 6’4”, handsome and rich!”
So I don’t know, I feel we all are pretty attached to our terrestrial possessions. I know, some people are so blessed I guess that the moment they give all their money away more money come their way.
And yet I want to believe. I want to believe in a world in which there’s no fear, but for the things that matter, I’m full of fear. From jumping of a perfectly good airplane with a parachute in my back to tell someone I really, really like them. Because then I get rejected or I turn into a pancake in the ground.
But those are my fears, my inability to let go of earthly possessions and turn pure spirit. But how to turn spirit when I’m so full of body, so full of water?
If only I would vibrate in the right frequency and feel the universe for what it is!
Maybe tonight it’s not the night. Maybe tomorrow. But tomorrow never comes in the perpetuity of now.
And yet, I want to believe in this spirit of Love that created the universe even though I’m not six-four.
Thank you, DL. I hope my petulance doesn’t upset you. And the poop splash was not that bad!!!