Money is very superfluous but permeates our reality.
Someone I used to know with savings in the hundreds of thousands had their uninsured mother have a stroke. They elected to have surgery at a prestigious medical center where Medicare would not cover the whole cost. They did not go bankrupt but it hurt.
So how wealthy is wealthy?
Then someone else I know, young couple with children, their parents purchased their home.
They work regular jobs, look like a normal family. They are just under 30 and no mortgage payment.
People like to believe in the myth of the self-made person. I don’t believe in such a thing. Like our friend John Donne said, no man is an island. And some islands have been born close to richer coasts.
We can tell ourselves whatever stories we want, but nothing is done solely by us.
The illusion of money. So real and tangible. Yet, thinner than air.