Maybe she was both: a sex worker AND the person closest to Jesus.
I actually I have quite a bit of respect for sex workers. Not only for the obvious reasons. But how many people are out there who would not even look at certain people?
And I don’t mean women who would not look at married men. I mean, people who are simply not seen.
Maybe they are just ugly, maybe they lack the social skills needed to establish normal relationships. And here comes a woman, Mary Magdalene, the archetype of the sex worker, and for a few coins gives the otherwise unloveable some affection and closeness. For a few coins. How many people are willing to do that?
Some won’t touch the unloveable nor for money nor for free. And here, these women and men welcome the weary and the needy. How Holy is that?
I hope I’m not offending anyone. That is not my intention.