It’s been a couple of challenging days.
Finishing a long week of work
Wondering if should I keep pushing this long weeks or not.
It was my birthday the other day but it’s frequently, somehow, a day of mourning for me.
Not the reason why I pinned the story. That was because I sent a story to a publication in here and I thought it somehow compliments it. But I think the editor must be on vacation!!!
I’m somehow afraid of dying. And aging. And possibly even more, not living, which is my biggest fear.
To get to the end and find out I spent my days not-living. We already discussed my fears of paying my mortgage, or better stated, not being able to pay my mortgage. Nevertheless, the idea of finding myself dead without having lived terrorizes me.
At times I wonder, is it better to accept our lot and contemplate our patch of sky with such intensity that we can tell we are alive?
How are you doing? I haven’t seen your writing in a few days. I hope work is treating you well.