It always brings me great joy to see your words popping up on the screen!
Ok, enough sentimentalism!
Thank you for the great balancing of the piece and the words of caution.
I suspect, because I have not experienced with psychedelics, that here in the US, we are so good at marketing anything, that we could have the second coming, we would make of Jesus a reality TV star, and then the magic, the healing, the awareness would get lost!
Remember yoga 20 or so years ago? It was about breathing, calming our minds, and being aware of our bodies and surroundings. And then all by the sudden is another fitness routine so we can fit in our Lululemon pants!
Don’t get me wrong. I love my Lululemons!
Wait, did I say that out loud?
But you got my point.
Between us, I think we have an aversion to pain. Or even more, what we think is reality is so frail, and we are so afraid to brake it, that we hold it like a piece of China in a room full of monkeys.
And yes, there’s so much more than what we know as reality. And also it is the tangibility of what it is. And feel.
Nice to see you around, Lynne.