I'm out of the loop with politicians, celebrities and such. But I think that this effort will be up to all of us. In the sense that, I was thinking the other day about abortion and such. In a lot of ways they funded their own campaigns. I mean, maybe ppl where giving money to churches and then they were using it to buy signs and go to healthcare facilities that provided women's health to protest. Who knows, my point is that they were self funding and I think that many people in the left waited for the government to intervene and protect. We will have to find ways to propel each other. Like you said, to be starts to one another.
But if you asked me for a name, I've been listening to this YouTuber who makes reviews of philosophy books, this guy Byung-Chul Han is a South Korean/German philosopher who may have a fairly good pulse on the state of affairs and possible courses forward. He talks a lot about storytelling. I tried to read it first hand but he is somehow a little bit above my pay-grade.
I read Octavia Butler, which is terrifying and even though she was prophetic I don't think she was able to give us a narrative to follow. Maybe she did. I've been trying to write about her for a year but I cannot get to a point I feel happy about what I write. I'm getting there somehow. It is not always easy to hear the voices calling beyond their graves.
I admired Amie because she was able to go to the depths of the soul, and the journeys to the underworld are never easy regardless of their beauty.