I wrote:
“Or because only a jerk can like a woman just because she is beautiful (according to the western model of beauty).”
Meaning the jerk (presumably a male) likes the woman because she is beautiful (my working assumption is the one who is categorizing the woman as beautiful is the jerk (the external person making the judgment of beauty).
I don’t date and as you may logically assume, don’t socialize much. However it seems that many men seem to head towards women who conform to what I like to call the Western Model of beauty. Mostly because you don’t usually see women from ethnicities other than Caucasian. And when they do, in my personal opinion they tend to look like Caucasian women anyway. [in pageant contest, major movie star actress and popular culture, I mean- edited, added]
(I never watched the Victoria Secret pageant thing, but I would be surprised if let’s call it 30% of women were African Americans with Afros or people who with BMIs greater than 25. Again, I never watched the show, so forgive me if they have a diverse population of women in it)
My point was, what certain men who only look at the surface look at. In my opinion, someone who looks like a movie star. Maybe I’m externalizing my desire (I don’t have any movie star crush other than Scarlet Johansson in Lost in Translation- great movie. Couldn’t care less for Scarlet in the Marvel universe, but I don’t watch Marvel movies unless my son makes me).
My personal belief is hopefully we will all be able to see as beautiful. Unfortunately, I don’t see myself as beautiful. If you want proof you can read my last essay The End of Innocence. Unfortunately, often, I think that about myself.
I believe a body must be useful for the user. If your thing is walking, and you have legs, hopefully your body can take you wherever you want to go. As a marathon runner I’ve been passed by people who were probably clinically overweight and amputees. I don’t necessarily think that being a Victoria Secret model equals beauty. Unfortunately, I’m no longer sixteen. Or thirty four.
Thank you for your engagement.