I wonder sometimes if I am deterministic, and if I am, what else can we do other than to sit back and relax like when we sit as passengers in a flight.
But then I think that even if the universe is deterministic, we still have million of possibilities towards which to change course. Or do we? Are our options the ones we have sitting in economy, chicken or pasta, adjust our bottom a little bit here and there so it is not so uncomfortable, do range of motion exercises with our ankles, while nevertheless the plane flights according to course to its destination?
Of course, we can always linger at the terminal and lose our connection. Was that meant to happen or was it fate. When I was younger I dream about a situation kind of like the movie Before Sunset when you exit the train before your stop because someone caught our eye.
And here we are. In this moment of time. Did we chose to be born now, around this present time?
Or have we been born all along, our genes evolving in consciousness through ages since the time molecules were flowing in lava fields?
Thank you for your words, Laurie. And Happy Thanksgiving.