I wonder if is subjugation what the audience/society, is asking for after having been showed the open doors of the cage.
Like an animal retreating after being caged for so long, afraid of the outside, afraid of the world.
Give me more of what I know, maybe a different color, a slightly different flavor this time.
I’m not accusing this time. I think I’m guilty of this as well. I think there was a moment in which I saw the cage open but I decided to turn away.
Now, I wonder, is the door of the cage (if there’s a cage at all), courage?
In a world where fear is not only justified but glorified, is that the door many are looking for?
Or is it to see beyond the obvious and through the images of madness of reality.
But reality is reality, and we need to incorporate it in our vision.
On a different region of the subject, I wonder if is this why it seems to me that at least in popular culture there is such a fascination with power play in sex, domination, submission. And even when done in a playful manner, the fantasy of the power play is still there.
I wonder if a possible way out is one of co-creation between the artist and the audience and the art. I know, this poses the challenge of losing one’s identity, or merging itself with the identity of at least the art. Something many are so afraid of, losing their identity.
And I wonder if this is why at times art is so superficial and such a repetition (commercial art) like a conveyor belt that once it has been optimized produces more of the same.
Because the same cannot penetrate the soul twice through the same door.
Again, I’m rambling.