I think, Tom, that we make too much of our assumptions. We place to much importance on the meaning of ideas that may not need much thought.
I think I lost a big deal to my assumptions and prejudices. To this day I subconsciously make judgements of people when I think about bars and fast connections. When in truth, you know when you like someone the moment you interact with them for a few moments.
Of course, you may choose to build a relationship with people or not. But the fact that a person, would this be a man or a woman, knows that enjoys the company of a fellow(s) human being(s) does not mean more nor less of them. Nor how he or she decides to connect with them.
This is something I need to repeat myself almost daily since I suspect I am more conservative than what I think I am. But in the same token I would probably want to have as much fun as people who are more flexible than me. And this, I need to own it so I can live and grow without regrets.
Thank you so much for reading, stopping by, and engaging in conversation.