I think people want to hear how to become millionaires so we don’t have to work.
Hey, if you have any half decent idea that doesn’t imply much effort, I’m all ears.
(Ok, let’s say we have something but let’s pretend we don’t so not to upset Lady Fortuna if she is there)
((Or not, maybe I’m the Coyote trying to catch an elusive roadrunner, who knows))
I feel, based on what I see when I watch YouTube and stuff like that, many (I?) want this easy answer we won’t take. Or this great big excuse of why are our lives miserable.
Risk, real risk, is avoided. Even as a subject of inspiration.
And I don’t mean risk in the sense of going down the mountain Red Bull Rampage style. I mean breaking the cycle of being hypnotized or dormant.
Torpor, right?
Once, one of those nights after watching hours and hours of College Humor -real hours- I stumble on one video the guy Adam made. He really brought the point of how precious those three minutes were. How much of a waste of time it was to be watching him instead of living life.
But who wants to hear that? Who in their own mind wants to wake up to the societal jungle we have created and only us can untangle by simply saying I do not accept this. I’m out. I won’t be an accomplice even if it means to go hungry. Not to buy. Not to be.
In the short story The immortal, Jorge Luis Borges talks about Homer, and how he is now a sort of remnant of a man, the Odyssey a distant story.
And forgive me for this as I wonder, is forgetting of being the way of being?
I don’t know how I got there. Forgive me for rambling.
Well. I saw the story. I hope someone hopes poets voices are worth being heard.