I think one of the problems may be memory. Memory is so malleable and it may be so different from the reality we lived.
But I think you refer to the hopes you had when growing up, the things you were thinking would happen after whatever you were doing happened.
I remember you once wrote about buying a nice car. And I am going to use in me, the example of when I bought myself a nice bicycle last year. Not top of the line, but it was to a great extent the one I wanted.
Obviously I don't exactly know how it was for you to buy the car. I think I remember you said something like first you were a little guilty but then you were like, what the heck, I worked for this!
In any case. I think -at least for me, before I do something I imagine all this great things. Kind of like a great Instagram/TikTok video in which you are triumphant after we obtain what we always dream off.
In my case, with the bicycle it was kind of anti-climatic. It's a great bike, don't get me wrong, but I don't think I hear the song of angels playing. I mean, I don't remember for how long I wanted that bike.
In any case, my point is that the illusion is something completely separate from reality. It is like a good book, something that has a life independent of reality and separate from our existence.
I think that the merit of us, acting as humans is to somehow to try to enact those ideas. The family, even when they are not perfect. Maybe the dog, even when it will eat our steak if we turn for a minute. Our work, even if we didn't made those significant changes we were fantasizing with.
I think the point is, did we dare to live our dreams, even when life turned up not to be whatever we dream about. But life and dreams have forces independent of their own. I think.
Sorry for the long response. I hope you have a good evening.