I suspect you are doing it now, collecting your stories for future generations.
Of course we could argue that computers may change formatting and all this will be lost. We can always print our favorite stories perhaps, leave some of our best pieces as a book, a collection of our thoughts?
I normally don’t direct people to my stories, but in December 2019, one of my favorite writes I consider a friend (a spiritual/pen sister more likely), Agnes Louis, did just what you suggested. She contacted some of us, and sent us a letter. And I agree with you, it was one of the most beautiful and significant experiences I had.
I remember I did not had a good day that day, and seeing her letter when I got home changed my whole day.
You may want to check Agnes writing if you did not do so yet. It is truly inspiring and beautiful like yours.
Here is a link to the story I wrote about her letter.
Best regards,