I suspect that what Elle means is more in line that because we live in this societal environment is very difficult to escape the influence of its biases.
For many, to escape the influence of societal norms implies courage, active intention and introspection.
And yet the pull is there and continues.
I believe it affects us all. Unfortunately, it affects me. Only recently I took myself notice of my pull towards light skin women.
I don’t think it’s my place to call anyone a racist, and I would like to side with you in that not all White people are.
Many choose to look to the side quoting their black friend without realizing their implicit bias. Again, not many are willing to go to the place where those biases come from and tell themselves “what Dad told me is wrong.”
And yet some do.
Some risk ostracism by society.
Some may be willing to tell themselves they like someone by the way he/she makes them feel and not by the societal value someone’s appearance has.
Yet we swim in this waters.
But many don’t even know they are swimming.
I’m a way it makes sense.
When I breath I rarely think about oxygen. Let alone nitrogen and argon.
But to call all the molecules in the air oxygen or nitrogen would be inaccurate as well.
Thank you.
It is important to remember not everyone is racist.