I really enjoyed your introduction, Chris. It is funny, because I have always had issues when hearing my voice. I remember when I was a child I used to record my voice on tape and it sounded so alien. I know it can probably be explained by the acoustics of the head, but still it was always unerving. I won’t go into how I feel about my voice when speaking a second language, and what is a second language any more.
I wonder what is with our images. Why do they feel sometimes alien. I don’t necessarily feel feminine although I sometimes think I would be ok with exploring those aspects of sexuality, but this is more in the area of there are days in which I wonder who is the person looking at me in the mirror. Now, please don’t send me to a psychiatric evaluation.
Anyway. It was very nice to get to know you. Thank you for your love and to showing us the importance of loving ourselves before we try to fill the void with someone else.