I love the cadence and tidal feeling of that verse in Ecclesiastes.
Sometimes I feel that a lot of things in life are like that, like tides, coming and receding. Sometimes I wonder if we exist in sorts of stations of life or existence, and sometimes we move on, but they don’t, and at times it is just plainly impossible to communicate in a significant way with the other. And I don’t want to mean it as We get enlightened and they don’t, because who knows what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes I think that we just change perspective. I don’t know if you are a hiker, but one time I remember having to turn around on this particular trail when I was ascending. I get somehow dizzy when I get exposure, and when I was ascending I was having a completely different perspective than when I had to turn around and the landscape changed and I somehow saw the steepness of the trail I had been hiking. I think sometimes this happens with people we love dearly. We don’t stop loving them, we just, for whatever reason, changed our perspective, we decided to look from a different angle, and there, our life changes and we cannot go back to the original place. I mean, we can go back, but it is not the same, especially when the other does not want to acknowledge we have changed our gaze, and if anything, we are now able to look at the world from multiple different perspectives.
Our reality is very important to us. It keeps our sense of self and identity. I think that our intuition tells us that it would be great to be selfless (I mean, who wants to walk into a room and claim he or she is the selfish one in there), but also terrible frighten most people. To keep a sense of identity, most must follow the flow and agree with the madness of the world in which we live. The selfishness depicted as selflessness. Greed depicted as sharing.
Thank you for inspiring these thoughts Elle, and allowing me to share them with you.