I hear you.
These are my two cents.
Politics/economics: We’ve been going down for a while. What we are seeing is just the consequences of policies many more than DT created. Remember when we used to build stuff here? Now none of us wants to get our hands dirty unless is our hobby.
DT is a 3 y.o. with hormones. He may also be an evil man manipulating the weak.
Like Caroline said, it is much easier to blame others and not to take responsibility for our actions. Americans who are in the tribal paradigm cannot reconcile the fact that we sent jobs away for decades and no institution did anything to stop this. In the meantime we watched football and drank beer.
I don’t believe White Americans in general are racist. Maybe not even DT supporters. Ok, I get it, there are more racist/ fascists among his followers than the general population.
But think about this: this people had been told by their parents this is the truth, and you respect the Constitution and the President (even if few read anything other than the second amendment).
So to admit the institutions you supported failed you for decades is to admit your father, your uncle (because DT followers seem to ignore women for anything other than reproductive processes) failed them and lied to them.
And they did.
Because of this is easier to blame The Other instead of accept their parents lied to them. That they sold them not even to the biggest better. They abandoned them.
I believe racism has made as much damage to Whites as to Blacks alike.
How many had been drinking beer entitled to jobs until one day they were gone?
And then people from overseas show up and say, yes, I’m going to community college and do that menial job that someone else refuses to do.
In short, as this is a very sad moment for our history, it is the moment when the veil is lifted and we cannot longer say we didn’t know.
How do DT supporters who had Law and Order signs in their yard w/DT sleep at night knowing their fellow followers aided in the death of a Law Enforcement agent?
I don’t know how do they reconcile that reality with their believes.
Well, I know. A few will wake up, others will get more delusional.
But in a way is more helpful (even when painful), because now everything is in the open. There’s no more hiding in the shadows.
And we have our tools and our words.
And the truth is we use them better than them. Or so I think.
Because we know they are sick but they are still us.
We will wake up.
I hope this helps.
(The sign is one of my neighbors during election period, doesn’t say hi to me but the truth is I prefer to keep to myself. The other two are simply to counterbalance the ugliness of the first picture!)