I got the feeling the Christian Right is winning the battle against anything that is not Christian and not White (and possibly not American).
I mean, while we all encapsulate ourselves in our own little territory (I’m black, I’m queer, I’m immigrant, whatever) they shot (sometimes literally) against anything that moves and is not Christian Right. Sometimes POC may find it convenient to align to their values so not to be alienated and they may go against queer people, or illegal immigrants, or blacks or whatever. A particular group (like the POC example) is never truly embraced only used while it’s convenient, and in the meantime the CR continues marching on, and marching on, and marching on, while we all fail to see one another and the big plot of the CR playing us against one another.
But, hey. Who can blame anyone in this game. Being and living alienated is not for the faint of heart.
Great piece. Sad reality (sorry, sad reality is the best I could came up with)
Pablo Pereyra