I don’t want to start with “thank you for the mention,” but let’s get the formalities out of the way.
Thank you, really. I mean for real, thank you.
Sorry, I’m sleep deprived (here’s where you may think “oh boy, here we go!”).
But I was thinking about those closing lines, the sunlit waters dancing around your ankles.
Last night in this place in between sleep and wakefulness I was watching this video about the ocean being the medium through which the dead reach the afterlife.
I’m also thinking about Jonah Lightwhale latest poem, umburubumbu which I know it doesn’t talk about the death or ghosts, but I’m going to take the immense freedom to interpret the waters as that place from where life arises, this medium that transforms the dead into life.
Talking with Aggy in the past, I think she said in her culture or someone in her family told her the dead watch us from the stars, as when we die we turn into stars.
Maybe it is that we are stars now orbiting each other’s lives, shining.
But who wants to die and turn into a black hole and absorb all matter and light?
Maybe we are black holes, and light comes into our darkness to create universes through us (in the spare time I shouldn’t have, I’ve been watching this PBS show Space Time on YouTube, it seems that black holes could create universes, but don’t quote me on this, my cosmology 101 grade was a D minus).
Thank you for your beautiful piece, Trisha (and for listening to my rambling).