I do see the behaviors you are referring in others in me. I noticed getting worse in the last year.
It started a long time ago, many years ago. I stopped doing that nod runners do to one another when they cross their path. That sort of acknowledgment of “hi fellow runner!”
First, because the female runners were looking at me like if after nodding I was going to rape them. Or ask their number. So I started looking far into the distance without even turning my eyes when I crossed people’s paths.
Then last year during the pandemic, people started to stop, move out of the trail and turn their backs to me as I approached on my runs. The good thing was I hardly ever had to stop or move out of the way.
Now I had acquired the behavior and I don’t talk to people unless I really really like them. By that I mean I’m comfortable with them and I don’t feel they are afraid of me.
I almost never look at people and have this flat affect on me.
Funny, I almost only interact on line.
I got the feeling I shouldn’t be posting this. I don’t think makes me look good.
Flat affect.
Thank you for still being there.