Hi, Martin!
Thank you for taking the time to write back to me. And if my calculations are correct you did this at about 2:00 am? This is a different level of commitment.
I agree, and I really like what you say about trying to amplify the voices of the ones who don't have such a strong voice/people don't listen to as much.
And I think, I feel for what I read in between the lines, that honestly, at the end of the day, this may be (probably like everything in life) a matter of intentionality/how to try to distill the heart as much as humanly/personally possible when we present our work.
And then again, when thinking about what I wrote earlier, I was thinking, where is precisely the line separating the Them vs Us. And shouldn't an artist attempt to bring this two words together? Like I think you mention when you were talking about the Marina song, who and what we are, where is the benign of you and the end of I?
Thank you so much Martin for conversing with me.