Hi Daisy,
I’m sorry you are feeling sad.
I admire you. I admire you as a person, I admire you as a writer. I admire your honesty and your vulnerability. It takes guts and strength to admit we are sad when we feel like that. But I feel that to admit we are sad is a way to get out of that sadness. Or at least that is what I hope when I admit to myself I’m sad.
I’m sorry the other day I questioned your reality. My apologies. My line of thought was in the line of “I’m reading you because I feel you are a great writer despite the fact you are a beautiful woman.” Yes, you are beautiful, however I don’t come to the page to lust after you. I don’t question your reality any more than what I question my own reality.
We probably don’t want to go down the line of do we exist or not right now. I ask myself that sort of thing sometimes. Even though I don’t dare to question how real all this experience is, sometimes I wonder if I’m dreaming or if all this is a mere illusion. I probably been listening to Alan Watts a little too much. Please don’t mind me.
|| Added: I don’t question your existence, your humanity, your persona. ||
I hope this helps.