Dear Shringi Kumari, let me explain why I don’t know what to tell.
I believe you are one of the smartest writers out there. This is not just to tell you some pleasantly, but I was working on a piece about Virginia Woolf that it is not too good in comparison.
How did you capture her I want to ask, and the answer is probably you read her more than I did.
Virginia has entertained my imagination most of my adult life. I mostly tried to evade her.
How to create enough beauty to bring her back, how to tell her that she is enough (well, at least you and Vaishali are enough, you may say whatever, I may say forgive me).
Is this a fascination with this water that will lead us to the place where we will go regardless. It is defiance to go in our own terms into the void, have we forgot about the landmark telling us who we are?
This was a great piece. I guess you and Virginia are right, there is probably enough room for all of us in the universal library, regardless of volumes and prose. Regardless, time is much larger and moths may eat our pages anyway. (Sorry, this is me trying to be uplifting. I better stop).