But Europe profited from the riches in the Americas for hundreds of years.
They also went, took, and didn’t leave much of the original cultures before them intact.
But before we turn this into an eye for an eye, we should examine our motives before we go and take advantage of other cultures and societies in their time of need. And try to avoid exploiting them. Even learn from our past mistakes and try to empathize now we know how it may have been for The Other to be in the position in which we are now.
My last name is Pereyra. I think my ancestors were owned by a Portuguese once. So, how do we stop thinking about greed and profits and convenience and see the humanity of The Other as we look into their eyes?
These foreigners are probably new wealth that is not wealthy enough as to afford to buy their dream California house within a mile from the beach. Or people who romanticize the idea of Europe. I’m sure there are a couple of people who love Pessoa and Saramago and they want to learn the language to read them in the original.
But most, I agree, are people who are enamored of a lifestyle they cannot afford in their homeland.
The 31 yo surf lady is probably a trust fund baby. So, I’m sure there some of those in every country.
But maybe that, make it so people are not born with all this hereditary wealth and privilege…
But don’t forget you have something they don’t have and I don’t have [and I don’t have, added] as a migrant in the United States. A family and a sense of community. They are all alone with their wealth.
Pablo Pereyra