A few years ago the one who was my favorite therapist discharged me.
I think she got tired of me rambling about stuff that was easily fixable
If you don’t like your job quit and find another one
I know
What would I do if I do?
Be a writer?
Many moons ago I rode my bike so to prove to myself I could
What do I have now to prove,
That I can sell a book?
And face myself with mediocrity again.
Oh my gosh, Lara
This response is turning too dark
Maybe I should go back to my therapist
Although it sucks
It feels too much like I’m paying someone
To listen to me talk.
Maybe it’s fair
I probably have the same traumas since when I was ten
And who wants to hear the same story
Over and over
Week after week
Without much variation
Without getting paid
(They should pay us to watch Avengers movies!)
I like your she therapy on a shed with deer hanging out in the background.